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"I have fibromyalgia and I have been using Acumed on and off for 20 years. I know when I have a flare up it may take a few days, but the patches will always ease my pain. Thank you!"  - P. Carmichael

“I have just tried the Magnetic patches pain patches and I am very impressed. Since I broke my right shoulder a couple of years ago the surgeon told me I would be prone to rheumatism or other aches eventually. The last couple of weeks I’ve experienced pain in my foot and knee. I’ve had tablets and creams from the doctor which didn’t work. I saw these patches in the chemists, and tried them this week and I’ve felt more comfortable and less pain. Thank goodness. So I am pleased to tell you that they do work and I will use them again.”
- I. H.

“I saw the Magnetic patches advertised on the internet while looking for some pain relief for my husband. He has suffered from Sciatica and low back pain for nearly 20 years. He has had three operations, the last one two years ago was a spinal fusion, but he is no better. A year ago he retired through ill health at 50 years old. He has had an acupuncture kit for about 12 years and finds he does get some relief from that so when I told him about the patches he decided to try them. That was a week ago, and by the third day of using 3 patches on various acupuncture points the difference was amazing! He was moving easier and even went for a bike ride, which is virtually unheard of these days. Only a few days earlier he had been in bed because of the pain. So all I can say is THANK YOU for giving me my husband back again!”
- Mrs M. S. R.